Teacher Support and Resources for the Classroom

The promotion of health and safety awareness in the minds of young people is important for preventing accidents and work related ill-health. Young people are especially vulnerable in the workplace with figures indicating that workers aged 15-24 suffer higher rates of work injury than other age groups.. The following information has been developed by the Health and Safety Authority for schools to help prepare students for the workplace and to promote awareness of health and safety issues in the workplace.
Choose Safety Programme
The Choose Safety programme is a a free programmre available to post-primary schools and colleges of Further Education. It introduces senior cycle students/students in further education to the principles of workplace safety and health.
Student Safety in the Workplace – Transition Unit
Student Safety in the Workplace introduces students to the principles of workplace safety and health. It is aimed at Transition Year students (and other senior cycle students) as a preparation for the world of work and is particular relevant for those undertaking some form of work experience.
Publications, videos, and presentations:
See hsa.ie/publications to view more Education publications.