Safety Alert – Tipping Trailers

Smyth Trailers Ltd (no longer trading)

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) wishes to again alert owners and operators of agricultural tipping trailers about the hazard associated with accessing the area beneath the raised body of the these trailers. A previous Health and Safety Authority Safety Alert was issued on this topic in 2009.

This Safety Alert is issued following the occurrence of a serious accident in 2023 and a fatal accident in 2009 involving an agricultural tipping trailer. In both cases an agricultural worker was trapped between the trailer body and chassis of a silage trailer which was being lowered from a tipped position. The trailers involved in both incidents had been manufactured by Smyth Trailers Limited (no longer trading).

The Health and Safety Authority understands that in 2009 a recall was put in place by Smyth Trailers Limited (no longer trading) to relocate the trailer stand to a new safe storage position. It has now come to the attention of the Health and Safety Authority that some owners/operators of these trailers may not have been aware of this recall, or may not have had the required alterations carried out.

High Risk Area

The space between the trailer body and the chassis should never be entered while the trailer is being lowered or raised. If access to this general area is required for any reason, the trailer should either be in the fully lowered position or if raised, the trailer should be suitably propped. Clear instructions to this effect should be given to others who work with or on such equipment.


The trailer stand storage point should NOT be located (as in this picture) in a position where the attachment or retrieval of the stand presents the risk of crushing to the operator from the lowering of the trailer body.

What to Do

Should you operate or own a Tipping Trailer, or are aware of such trailer/s manufactured by ‘Smyth Trailers Limited’ (no longer trading), which have the trailer stand located under the side chassis:

  • Consider where the most suitable location for their storage is, when not in use. The practice of storing them under the trailer chassis should cease, as it requires access to an area where there can be a higher risk of being trapped and crushed by moving parts such as downward motion of the trailer body.
  • Engage the services of a competent person, such as a mechanical engineer, to ensure the evaluation and relocation of the stand to a safe storage position.
  • Ensure that appropriate propping and supports are in place on the trailer and that these are correctly installed in line with the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance activities.
  • Ensure the content of the trailers manufacturer’s instruction handbook has been brought to the attention of those working with tipping trailers.
  • Please advise the HSA at or through our contact centre phone line on Ph: 0818 289 389.

The European Standard EN 1853:2017&AC:2019 specifies safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of trailers with a tipping body, balanced or semi-mounted, used in agriculture. This standard requires the provision of a mechanical support hinged to the trailer, to secure the trailer body in the high position during maintenance. In addition, this standard requires that a warning notice or symbol be affixed to the trailer to the effect; “do not work under the raised body unless the mechanical support is in place”.


  1. The trailer manufacturer (if available) should be consulted before making any changes to machinery.
  2. If not already fitted, the use of “hold to run “controls should be considered as this provides better supervision / control of the trailer lowering movements.

Further Information

Further information on machinery hazards can be found in Section 6 ‘Vehicle and Machinery’ in the Code of Practice for Preventing Injury and Occupational Ill Health in Agriculture.