ADR Multilateral Agreements (MLAs)

Multilateral agreements or "temporary derogations" are agreements between contracting parties to ADR. These may provide temporary derogations from certain provisions in ADR and may be initiated by any contracting party to facilitate the international transport of certain dangerous goods. Once agreed between two or more contracting parties they are published by the ADR Secretariat at the following link.

Irish industry may apply to the HSA to seek the application of any of the currently published derogations (MLAs) or to request a new MLA under the terms of ADR 1.5.1.Requests may be made by completing a Form for Application, which can be emailed to the Authority at

For further information on the co-signing or initiation of an MLA contact the HSA


Current MLAs signed by Ireland


Detailed Title

Date Signed

Date of Expiry


Carriage of paint residues (waste)

21 December 2023

31 July 2025


Concerning the transport of UN2672 ammonia solution (between 19% and 35% ammonia) in IBCs

31 January 2022

31 January 2027