Potentially Dangerous Mobile Sandblasters
The Health and Safety Authority has been made aware of mobile sandblasters entering the EU that are potentially dangerous and do not conform to the relevant European safety directive (97/23/EC).
The consigners of these products are mainly the following companies
- Yongkang Xieheng Zhejiang Industry Co. Ltd
- D&J International and/or Dragon Tools
The products in question usually bear the designation SBxx, RAxx or 80 Mobil Profi (see photographs below)
A number of safety deficiencies with these products have been brought to the attention of the Authority
- Defective welds
- Operating valve not suitable for intended use
- No suitable valve in situ to allow safe depressurisation
- No marking on safety valve
- Incorrect marking (declaration of conformity and/or instructions for use missing or incorrect).
Should you have in possession or you come across, one of these products, please contact workplace contact unit at the Health and Safety Authority immediately on 1890 289 389
Fig 1: SBxxModel | Fig 2: RAxx/80 Mobil Profi Model |
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Nov 2013