Central Government

Central government includes
- Departments of State
- Ministerial groups and
- Non-commercial state agencies associated with Departments of State
A list of all these employers can be found cso methodological note "Register of Public Sector Bodies" October 2015
Central government bodies and their associated groups and agencies are engaged in a diverse range of work activities such as policing, healthcare, education, procurement etc. Employers in this sector must manage occupational health and safety in a wide range of activities and workplaces.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
The risk profile for any organisation will depend on the nature of the work activities and the work environment. For example, the hazards and risks associated with the office environment and administration type work will be different to those encountered by employees engaged in enforcement activities and emergency services.
Section 19 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 requires employers to:
- identify the hazards in the workplaces under their control
- assess the risks presented by those hazards.
Employers must document their risks assessments and the safety measures to eliminate, control or minimise the risk.
The outcome of hazard identification and risk assessment process will be that the right risks have been identified and prioritised for action. These must be communicated to staff. See guidance document in footer for further information.
Occupational hazards in the office environment
A large section of workers in the civil service and non-commercial state agencies are office-based and engaged in administration activities. Hazards and risks in this environment must be identified taking account of all those that may be at risk including employees, contractors, service users and the public. Some typical hazards associated with the office environment are:
(non-exhaustive list)
Workplace Health and Safety Management
The Workplace Health and Safety Management Guidance available below aims to give practical advice and recommendations on developing an occupational safety, health and welfare management system for larger workplaces with an already well defined management structure.