Biological Agents
Risk of:
Possible causes:
- Failure to decontaminate equipment properly or in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
- Use of knives, cutting devices, equipment and machinery.
- Exposure to environmental bacteria e.g. tetanus in soil, legionella in water systems, sewage, moulds, contaminated litter, discarded syringes or thorns.
Chemical Agents
Risk of:
- Health effects such as allergies, asthma, respiratory problems and dermatitis.
- Fire.
- Explosion.
- Hit by flying projectiles.
- Suffocation.
Possible causes:
- Failure to decontaminate equipment properly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
- Exposure to flammable gases, paints, cement, metal working solvents, degreasing agents, herbicides, insecticides, adhesives, solvents, asbestos, cleaning agents, lead, refrigerant gases, welding fumes, waste anaesthetic gases.
- Failure, rupture or leakage of compressed gas cylinders or fittings.
- Exposure to dust or latex consumables.
- Lack of local exhaust ventilation.
Confined Spaces
Risk of:
- Confusion.
- Death via drowning or asphyxiation.
- Heat stress.
- Back pain.
Possible causes:
- Lack of oxygen.
- Exposure to poisonous gases or fumes.
- Lack of confined space entry permit to work.
- Exposure to free flowing liquids or solids.
- Lack of training.
- Working in restricted work space.
Driving for Work
Risk of:
- Physical injury even death.
- Back pain.
Possible causes:
- Poor ergonomic set up / inadequate lumbar support.
- Manual handling material from the vehicle.
- Road collision.
Risk of:
- Burns.
- Electric shock.
- Death.
- Fire.
Possible causes:
- Faulty or absent residual current devices.
- Faulty plugs or cables, unmaintained equipment.
- Working on live equipment without a safe system of work and permit to work system.
- Equipment unsuitable for use in a wet, dusty or outdoor work environment.
- Unqualified staff.
- Improper use of arc welding equipment.
Environmental Conditions
Risk of:
Possible causes:
- Working in inclement weather e.g. freezing conditions, rain etc.
- Contact with hot surfaces, products or steam.
- Working in hot environments e.g. boiler houses or ventilation systems.
Risk of:
- Electrocution.
- Amputation.
- Broken bones, dislocations or crush injuries.
- Entanglement.
- Cuts, burns, eye injuries.
Possible causes:
- Use of unguarded equipment such as planers, drills, grinders, presses, saws and routers.
- Work on motors and fans.
- Hit by falling objects.
- Lack of equipment maintenance.
- Exposure to energy sources (steam, hydraulic fluid, compressed air, gas or electricity) or ultra violet radiation.
Risk of:
- Burns.
- Smoke inhalation.
- Death.
Possible causes:
- Unsafe system of work / failure to implement hot work permit.
- Improper storage of flammable chemicals and gases.
- Lack of flashback arrestor on welding equipment.
- Flames, sparks or hot material generated during cutting and welding.
Lone Working
Risk of:
- Increased vulnerability in the event of an incident.
Possible causes:
- Working in isolated areas.
- Unsafe system of work.
Manual Handling
Risk of:
- Back injury, sprains and strains.
Possible causes:
- Lack of mechanical handling equipment.
- Improper lifting techniques or over exertion.
- Handling equipment unsuitable for the task.
- Lack of maintenance of lifting devices e.g. material hoists and lifts.
Risk of:
- Hearing damage or loss.
- Physiological effects.
- Work related stress.
- Increased risk of accidents.
Possible causes:
- Exposure to noisy equipment such as back up generators, chillers and boilers or noisy environments such as service or plant rooms.
- Operation of power tools or compressed air tools.
Risk of:
- Inoculation injury.
- Infection.
Possible causes:
- Exposure to sharp items including needles discarded by the public.
Slips, Trips and Falls
Risk of:
- Minor to major physical injuries.
Possible causes:
- Inadequate space especially around equipment.
- Trailing leads.
- Uneven or wet surfaces.
- Inappropriate footwear.
Risk of:
- Burns especially eye and skin.
- Eye injuries.
- Electrocution.
- Fire.
- Explosion.
- Adverse health effects e.g. metal fume fever, hearing damage, lead poisoning, asthma, cancer.
- Effect on pacemaker.
- Musculoskeletal disorders.
Possible causes:
- Absence of flashback arresters on oxyacetylene welding equipment.
- Exposure to welding fume due to lack of ventilation.
- Exposure to toxic metals or noise.
- Being hit by slag or spatter.
- Exposure to ultraviolet and infrared rays or EMF.
- Lack of shielding.
- Incorrectly installed or improperly grounded equipment.
- Poorly maintained equipment especially cables.
- Lack of proper PPE e.g. eye & ear protection, insulating gloves, helmet, flame retardant overalls.
- Welding near or on flammable materials or environment.
- Poor posture during welding.
- Mishandling of gas cylinders.
- Failure to use spark lighters to ignite gases.
Working at Height
Risk of:
- Serious injuries such as broken limbs, concussion and even death.
Possible causes:
- Fall from unprotected edge.
- Improper use of ladders.
- Inadequate working platform.
- Lack of edge protection on working platform.
Further Information
For further information on related controls click here.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of hazards and risks.