What Notifications do the HSA Require From Quarry Operators?
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Quarries) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 28 of 2008) notification must be sent to the Health and Safety Authority within 14 days of:
- The Appointment of an Operator (including a change in the name of the appointed operator or quarry) *
- The Commencement of Quarry Operations (such operations to include putting in roads, clearing topsoil or building offices or workshops);
- The Permanent cessation of Quarry Operations. **
* In addition to notifying the Health and Safety Authority when the name of the quarry changes, operators should also notify the utility companies of any changes.
** When a quarry closes,any remaining excavations or tips must be left in a safe condition. In the case of abandoned tips, the notification needs to include the information gathered through geotechnical assessments.
A sample notification form is available in Figure 1 on Page 14 of the Safe Quarry - Guidelines to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Quarries) Regulations 2008
Notification should be posted to or sent by fax (01 614 7020) to the Head Office of the Health and Safety Authority at:
The Metropolitan Building
James Joyce Street
Dublin 1