Detergent Labelling & Packaging Requirements
Specific labelling requirements for Detergents sold to the general public
According to the Detergents Regulation, the following information must appear on the packaging of detergent products which are for sale to the general public:
- Name and trade name of the product
- Name, full address and telephone number of the party responsible for placing the product on the market
- The address, e-mail address (where available) and telephone number from where an Ingredient Datasheet may be obtained
- Website address where the list of ingredients of the detergent product is provided
- There are eighteen specific constituents listed in the Regulation, which must be stated on the label if present as a constituent in the detergent product at greater than 0.2% by weight; for example all surfactant types, phosphates and aliphatic hydrocarbons. The following weight percentage ranges must be provided when indicating the content of these constituents:
- <5%
- ≥5% <15%
- ≥15% <30%
- ≥30%
- Names of allergenic fragrances listed in the Cosmetics Products Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 must be included on the label if present at greater than 0.01% by weight (or at a replacement limit), for example Citral, d-Limonene, Oak moss and tree moss extract and Linalool.
- Enzymes, disinfectants, optical brighteners, perfumes and preservation agents must be stated,
Specific labelling requirements on packaging of consumer laundry detergents:
- Recommended quantities and/or dosage instructions for a standard machine load for soft, medium and hard water classes for one or two cycle washing processes
- Capacity of any measuring cup in mls or grams.
- Number of standard washing machine loads of normally and lightly soiled fabrics that can be washed using medium water hardness.

Note: For detergents intended to be solely used for professional use i.e. industrial and institutional uses, the above mentioned labelling and packaging requirements do not have to be fulfilled if the equivalent information is provided by means of a technical data sheet/safety data sheet or in a similar manner.
For information on specific labelling and packaging requirements for liquid laundry detergent capsules (liquitabs) please see here.
In addition, all detergents which are classified as hazardous must be labelled and packaged in accordance with the requirements of the CLP Regulation. For further details, please refer to the HSA classification and labelling web page.
The following label is an example of the information which must appear in legible, visible and indelible characters on the packaging of detergents which are intended for the consumer:

Further information on labelling and packaging
AISE Leaflet on Detergent Labelling for Consumers
AISE Leaflet on Detergent Labelling for Professional Users
HSA Information Sheet on Labelling and Packaging Requirements for Detergent and Biocidal Detergent Products