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Ingredient Data Sheets

All manufacturers of Detergent products must ensure that an Ingredient Data Sheet is made available for medical personnel containing:

  • the name of the detergent
  • the name of the manufacturer and
  • a list of all of the ingredients in the detergent in order of decreasing abundance by weight within specific ranges:

≥ 10%

≥1% - < 10%

≥0.1% - < 1%


The Ingredient Data Sheet should be made available without delay when requested by medical personnel. Where a detergent is only being sold to the general public or where an SDS is not required because the detergent is not classified as hazardous, an Ingredient Data Sheet must still be available.

In Ireland, the Ingredient Data Sheet must be made available, upon request, to the National Poisons Information Centre of Ireland (NPIC) in Beaumont Hospital, for any product placed on the Irish market that is covered by the Detergent Regulation. The NPIC is the Competent Authority to receive Ingredient Datasheets for detergent products as stipulated Article 9(3) of the Detergent Regulation. See