Drilling and Blasting
This section looks at all aspects of drilling and blasting and the use of explosives at Quarries and covers profiling of the Quarry face and tracking of drillholes, the preparation of shotfiring rules, the appointment and necessary competence of the explosives supervisor, shotfirer and driller and the specific responsibilities they have including their statutory duties. This section also provides guidance on protecting persons at work or others who may be affected by drilling and blasting operations and includes protection from falls from height and from falls of ground in addition to the actual blasting. The section also provides guidance on the safe disposal and destruction of surplus explosives. Security of the explosives and detonators fall under the control of the Department of Justice and Equality Explosive Inspectorate and more information can be found here . Although incidents involving the use of explosives in quarries are relatively small the potential for significant injury and loss is very high. Control measures and statutory appointments including mandatory training for Explosives Supervisors and Shotfirers are essential as is the use of industry best practice. |  |