All Island Quarry Safety Conference
The All-Island Extractive Industries Safety Conference is a bi-annual event that is hosted alternatively in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and involves all of the stakeholders from both jurisdictions.
The 2021 All-Island Extractive Industries Safety Conference is to be a Web based event and will take placed on the 17th of November 2021 10.20am – 12.30pm.
This webinar will be of interest to all involved in the extractive industries and associated industries including contractors. It will provide essential information and best practice for the extractive industries. Delegates have an opportunity to shape how the regulators and their representative organisations support their sector.
Flyer for 2021 webinar 
The 2018 Event was held at Doran's Pit, Blessington, Co Wicklow on the 26th of September and included an outdoor demonstration and display area - Further information and the presentations can be found below:-
An excellent presentation was provided by Maurice McNamara MD of Maveric Contractors but the size and format of the presentation are not compatible with our website
The 2016 Extractive Industries All Island Seminar was held in the Armagh City Hotel on the 18th of October. The event flyer can be downloaded here. There were a number of speakers from industry and from Regulatory bodies from the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and the UK. A number of presentations from the seminar are available using the links below
The 2014 All-Island Conference was held on the 19th of November at the Clarion Hotel, Liffey Valley in Dublin. The conference was particularly relevant to senior and regional managers, location managers, safety & health professionals and safety representatives within the sector and anyone with an interest in health and safety in the quarrying sector.
The Flyer can be viewed here
The 2012 All-Island Conference was held on Wednesday 24th October 2012 at Armagh City Hotel, Armagh and included presentations on:
- Maintenance Pitfalls
- Worker Competence
- Avoiding Health Issues
- Geotechnical Mapping
- Site Security and Edge Protection
- Building the Team
The flyer can be viewed here
The 2010 All-Island Quarry Safety Conference was held at the City North Hotel, Co. Meath on Wednesday, 17th November 2010 and included presentations on:
- Dealing with Challenging Times
- Atlantic Alliance Update
- Safer by Design Initiative
- Quarry Contractor Safety
- Silence is Consent & Safe Delivery to Site
- Leadership and Safety Performance
- Supporting Industry
The flyer can be viewed here