What to Expect from an Inspection
Individual Quarry Inspectors may not have an identical approach to inspections but generally they will follow these or similar steps: - The inspector will normally arrive unannounced unless they have made prior arrangements to follow up on foot of an accident, incident or complaint.
- The Inspector will request to see the Quarry Manager or responsible person at the Quarry and introduce themselves and show their warrant card when requested to do so.
- The Inspector will ask the responsible person if there is a safety representative at the Quarry and if there is the Inspector will advise the responsible person that the Safety Rep can accompany him/her on the inspection.*
- The Inspector will request to see a copy of the Safety Statement and will use this document during the inspection to ensure that all activities have been identified and risks assessed and that the necessary control measures identified in the safety statement are identified and are in place.
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The Inspector will inspect the Quarry taking particular attention to
- Vehicle Movements and Traffic Management,
- Pedestrian and Visitor safety,
- Condition of vehicles, reversing and visibility aids and safe access to vehicles for operators,
- The appointment of an Explosives Supervisor, Shot firer and the preparation of shotfiring rules,
- Registration cards in relation to QSCS statutory appointments,
- Condition of haul roads, excavation faces and the suitability of the equipment in use,
- Edge protection equipment in use at quarry faces,
- Drilling and blasting operations and documentation,
- Conveyor and crusher guarding and isolation equipment,
- Quarry Boundary edge protection and signage,
- Condition and safety of/at stockpiles, tips and lagoons.
- Overburden stripping activities,
- Maintenance activities and work at height,
- Ancillary operations such as concrete or asphalt plants, block or tile production. Pre-cast production etc.
- Procedures for the reporting of accidents and incidents
At the conclusion of the physical inspection the Inspector will give feedback to the responsible person and the safety representative if there is one present. If there are issues that require attention the Inspector may issue enforcement action in the form of
- Written advice requiring the Operator to take one or more remedial actions and to return the response slip to the Inspector when completed
- An Improvement Notice requiring that remedial action specified in the Improvement Notice is taken on or before the date specified in the Notice and to return the response slip to the Inspector when completed
- A Prohibition Notice requiring that a particular activity or operation is immediately stopped until such time as remedial action specified in the notice is carried out and to return the response slip to the Inspector when completed
If the Inspector considers that a prohibition notice is necessary for a particular activity or operation then they will require the responsible person to ensure that the activity or operation stops immediately even if the Inspector has not prepared the Prohibition Notice at that time.
There is an appeal process if the Operator does not agree with the actions taken by the Inspector and the details are on the reverse of the enforcement notice and the Inspector will advise the responsible person of the options open to them.
An appropriate level of compliance inspection is carried out on an annual basis. Inspectors will work with companies and location managers to ensure workplace safety.
*The Inspector may refuse to allow the Safety Representative to accompany them if they are at the quarry on foot of investigation of an accident or incident. This is at the Inspectors discretion.