HSA Webinars

We host a number of webinars on various different health and safety topics each year. Recordings of these webinars are available to watch on our website and the Webinar Recordings link. Find information on upcoming events and webinars on our HSA Events 2024 page

Optimising Performance, Minimising Error: The Role of Human Factors in Workplace Safety Webinar

Addressing Human Factors is key to effective health and safety management. It’s about optimising human performance and minimising the risk of human error. It means taking account of human limitations and strengths in the design of work. The factors that influence performance are wide ranging, from our own experience through to the design of equipment to the effects of budget cutbacks and the influence of safety culture. This webinar will introduce Human Factors and demonstrate its critical role in designing work to ensure safety, health, and efficiency.

Why attend? 

This webinar will help attendees to:

  • recognise the critical role of Human Factors in effective health and safety management;
  • understand error and non-compliances and how to influence them;
  • identify the legal duties of the employer relevant to Human Factors, and,
  • promote workforce effectiveness and optimise decision making bringing performance and business benefits.

Who should attend? 

  • Employers and duty-holders;
  • HR and People Managers;
  • Operations managers;
  • Production managers;
  • Safety representatives;
  • OSH researchers and consultants

For further information and to view the agenda, please download the flyer below.