Safety Alert - Portwest Peakview Safety Helmets

The Health and Safety Authority have been made aware of a Safety Notice and Product Recall issued by Portwest in respect of Peak View Safety Helmets in the range PV60, PV64 and PV50.
The Authority wish to bring this information to the attention of relevant persons in relation to the use or distribution of these helmets.
Users should stop using these products immediately and contact the supplier Portwest for a refund.
Description: The Peak View Ratchet Hard Hat is a translucent vented shell hard hat with see through peak and sides. The hard hat has a 6-point textile suspension harness. The product is available in 6 colours (blue, green, red, black, orange and yellow).
Range: Peakview Helmet: PV60, PV64, PV50 Lot Numbers SS0522AUK SS0522APL SS0323AUK
Risk: When the helmets are exposed to conditions equal to or colder than -10 degrees Celsius or immersed in a water bath for longer than 4 hours, the helmets are at risk of not withstanding the impact at the level accepted under the EN 397 Standard.
Action: In the interest of safety Portwest request the return of Peakview helmets purchased in the above mentioned timeframe for full refund. Please contact Portwest or distributor to arrange this return.
For more information, please contact Portwest.
See also safety notice on the Portwest website.