Workplace Transport
- Involves the use of vehicles and mobile plant/machinery
- within a workplace boundary including temporary workplaces such as construction sites.
- Includes a wide range of vehicles from common vehicles such as cars, delivery vans, large goods vehicles and forklift trucks to less commonly encountered container handlers and rubber tyre gantries.
- Very few places of work do not encounter some form of workplace transport.
Every year people are killed or seriously injured in accidents involving workplace transport. Accidents that do not involve personal injury can result in damage to property, plant and equipment and the vehicle itself.
At the route of these accidents is poor management control, involving a failure to provide or maintain a Safe Workplace, a Safe Vehicle, a Safe Driver and / or safe systems of work. With appropriate and effective safety management practices workplace transport risks can be controlled.
Print a copy of our Workplace Transport Safety Tips (pdf, 98.26 KB) and Pedestrian/Vehicle Separation (pdf, 80.88 KB) Posters.
Further Information
Useful Websites