Consultation – Have your say
Restrictions on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles can have serious trade implications. Restrictions can also have implications for the end user or consumer, as certain products may no longer be on the market for a particular use. ECHA holds public consultations on all restrictions proposals, and stakeholders can submit comments during these consultations.
The Chemicals Helpdesk of the HSA aims to ensure that relevant stakeholders are consulted as early as possible in the process so that they are given the opportunity to comment on the proposed restrictions and to prepare for any potential changes to their processes or supply chains. If you want to be kept informed about upcoming restrictions proposals under REACH you should subscribe to the HSA’s Chemicals E- bulletin and review all current public consultations on the ECHA Consultations website.
ECHA also hosts a Registry of Intentions on its website. This registry allows stakeholders to keep up to date with information on current intentions to submit a restriction dossier in the future.
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