Good Practice Awards

From virtual assistants and employee apps to automation solutions, the integration of digital technology is changing workplaces everywhere. For workers and employers in so many workplaces, digital technology offers increased opportunities, but can also present greater challenges and risks in terms of safety and health.

The Good Practice Awards is one of the main elements of the current European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) ‘Safe and Healthy Work in the Digital Age’ campaign designed to highlight and promote best practice and ensure a human-centred approach to managing digital technologies in the workplace.

The key aim of the awards is to raise awareness of related safety and health issues and share best practice examples. Coordinated by the EU-OSHA, the judging panel is looking for examples of best practice that demonstrate a holistic approach and real improvements in the management of digital technologies in the workplace. The evaluation criteria include important considerations such as commitment of senior management, worker involvement, sustainability and transferability.

The Irish leg of the Good Practice Awards is now open and the closing date for entries is September 27th 2024.  Full details including evaluation criteria and the application form can be accessed at the below links.

To discuss the Good Practice Awards or any element of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign in more detail, contact Gavin Lonergan, Head of Communications & Customer Relations, on (01) 7997838 or email