Refuse Vehicle Safety Alert
The Health and Safety Authority is issuing a warning to all employers who are involved in the Waste Management Industry regarding the safe use of Refuse Collection Vehicles, following a recent fatal accident.
The Authority is urging all employers to ensure robust safe systems of work based on written risk assessments are in place to ensure the safety, health and welfare of employees who work on the collection vehicles.
 | An issue that requires particular attention is - The risks associated with a bin falling into the refuse hopper or from the back of the truck. In addition the following are other risks that should be assessed in conjunction with a formalised risk assessment process; - Manual handling of refuse bins and bags, - Procedures to be followed when working in adverse weather conditions, - Employees working alongside roads with live traffic, - Installation, use and maintenance of man-riding footboards and associated safety features, - Procedures for isolation and tag out of moving parts prior to vehicle maintenance, - Appropriate PPE requirements.
Note: For further information please reference: IS EN 1501-1:2011 Refuse collection vehicles - General requirements and safety requirements Part 1: Rear loaded refuse collection vehicles.
Specific Guidance on aspects of this alert may also be obtained from the HSE(UK) website, click here
10th January 2013.