Equestrian Helmets
The Health and Safety Authority wishes to advise that the European Commission has informed member states that standard EN 1384:2012 [Helmets for Equestrian Activities] is no longer a harmonised standard under the Directive 89/686/EEC on Personal Protective Equipment. This means that EN 1384:2012 can no longer be used to support CE marking of helmets by manufacturers; therefore helmets marked with reference to EN 1384:2012 only do not provide an adequate level of safety.
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Consequently it is advised that all new helmets being placed on the market should be checked to ensure that they are manufactured to higher standards than EN 1384:2012 (see Commission decision below). Also, helmets in use should be checked to ensure that they also meet higher standards than EN 1384:2012.
Note: Responsibility for the application of Directive 89/686/EEC (as amended) on Personal Protective Equipment rests with both the Health and Safety Authority and the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission. In practice the HSA normally deal with articles for occupational/professional use.
For more information please see the link below to the Commission Decision:
December 2014