Health and Safety Authority reports record number of inspections and lowest fatality numbers in 20 years

Minister Calleary welcomes reduction but advises against complacency

Tuesday 22nd June

The Minister for Labour Affairs and Public Service Transformation, Dara Calleary TD, today (Tuesday 22nd June) launched the Health and Safety Authority Annual Report for 2009.

Last year there were 43 reported fatal accidents, the lowest number reported since the establishment of the Authority in 1989. There was also a decrease in the number of non-fatal accidents reported (6,707 compared to 8,390 in 2008).

Minister Calleary cautiously welcomed the overall reductions but said work must continue to further reduce accidents. “The reduction in workplace deaths during 2009 is welcome but there were still 43 people who lost their lives as a result of work activity. I believe that further reductions can be achieved by continuing to increase awareness and simplifying compliance.”

Martin O’Halloran, Chief Executive of the Health and Safety Authority, said that there was a specific emphasis on support in the inspection programme for 2009.  “The main focus of our inspections is to help workplaces improve health and safety standards with the overall goal of reducing accidents. The vast majority of employers and employees want this.”

He continued, “Our inspectors provided written advice and guidance to thousands of organisations during the year. Where we found employers willing to improve we provided assistance. However, enforcement action was taken as appropriate against those showing disregard for worker safety, health and welfare.”

The report showed that during 2009 the Authority conducted 18,451 workplace inspections, an increase of 15% on the numbers carried out in 2008.

Jim Lyons, Chairman of the Health and Safety Authority, said that the Authority is aware of the difficulties facing business, “These are undoubtedly challenging times for employers and employees and we have all had to find new ways to make efficient use of our resources. We cannot compromise on the health safety and welfare of workers regardless of the economic situation.”