New Three Year Plan to Protect Workers and Save Lives Launched

Tuesday 23rd March

The Minister for Labour Affairs, Mr. Dara Calleary TD, today (Tuesday 23rd March) launched a new plan to protect and safeguard workers and to foster a positive culture of safety, health and welfare in all workplaces. 

Speaking at the launch of the Health and Safety Authority’s new three year strategy statement the Minister said, “This new strategy builds on the significant progress made in relation to worker safety, health and welfare in recent years.  It takes account of the realities of running a business during very difficult economic circumstances while ensuring that the safety, health and welfare of all workers is given the priority it deserves”.

Last year (2009) saw the lowest level of workplace deaths on record and the Minister acknowledged that significant gains have been achieved since the establishment of the Authority over twenty years ago.  However, he cautioned against turning back the clock in relation to the protection of employees.

“Huge improvements have undoubtedly been made and the challenge now is not just to maintain those gains, but to build on them.  There are still important concerns to address at a time of unprecedented pressures on practically every business in the country.  Working in close partnership and cooperation with key stakeholders, I’m confident that the Health and Safety Authority will be successful in achieving its vision of a national culture where all commit to safe and healthy workplaces”, he said.

Speaking at the launch, the Chief Executive of the Health and Safety Authority, Mr. Martin O’Halloran, emphasised that safe and healthy workplaces go hand in hand with commercial success.  “From a financial perspective, conservative estimates put the cost of workplace accidents to the economy at well in excess of €3 billion annually.  At an organisational level, business owners and managers must realise that a systemic approach to worker safety, health and welfare is not just a legal requirement, but an investment in the future success of the business.”

Whilst acknowledging the important strides made in recent years, O’Halloran also cautioned against any complacency.  “So far this year 10 workers have lost their lives in work related accidents and every day an estimated 150 workers suffer an injury or illness due their work.  The real tragedy is that these accidents are foreseeable and preventable”.

Copies of the Strategy Statement 2010 – 2012 are available to download from the Health and Safety Authority’s website at