New CLP Hazard Classes Webinar 2025
March 6th, 11am
The EU Classification, Packaging and Labelling Regulation (CLP) now includes new hazard classes for: endocrine disruption (ED) for human health and the environment, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vP/vB) and persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) or very persistent, very mobile (vP/vM).
The updated Regulation entered into force in April 2023, and while a transitional period applies, companies with obligations to classify and label chemicals they place on the market need to be aware of these new hazard classes and be prepared to start applying them, where they are relevant.
The aim of this webinar is to inform duty holders of the new hazard classes and will be delivered by experts from the Chemicals and Industrial Products division of the HSA.
Why attend?
This webinar will:
- Inform you of the new CLP hazard classes for EDs, PBTs and PMTs
- Outline the transitional arrangements and when they will apply
- Give you insights into the criteria for the new hazard classes
- Highlight key guidance that is available to assist you in applying the criteria
- Allow you to pose questions to our experts
Who should attend?
- Companies who place chemicals on the EU market, including importers, manufacturers and formulators
- Consultants
- Regulators
Further details on the agenda will be released in advance and will be available on our website and on HSA social media channels.