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The UK left the European Union on January 31st 2020 and a transition period applied until December 31st 2020. As the UK is now considered as a third country, we urge businesses to continue to examine the impacts of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU on their business.

Review the impact that the UK withdrawal may have on your business

If, as an Irish company based in the EU-27, you use chemicals, the obligations flowing from the EU chemicals legislation will continue to apply to you. However, your interactions with UK-based business partners will be impacted by the UK withdrawal. Consequently, Irish chemical companies now face new and different rules on the export, import and use of chemical substances and need to review their supply chains involving their UK-based business partners.

In addition, economic operators who source products for use or distribution from the UK and companies who rely on UK based product conformity assessment bodies should acquaint themselves with the implications for their business.

The Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland

The Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland makes certain provisions of EU law applicable also to and in the UK in respect of Northern Ireland. The Protocol means that separate arrangements apply on the island of Ireland and no new checks or controls will apply to goods moving between Ireland and Northern Ireland in either direction. The implications of the Protocol are explained in each section of these webpages, as relevant.

New EU Resource: Access2Markets Portal

Central Brexit Information Hub

Listen back to our October 2020 Brexit webinars and view the slides here

ECHA updates Brexit Q&As to take account of IE/NI protocol

DBEI Brexit Preparedness Checklist

Government’s booklet on the 9 key areas of business preparedness

March 2020 Commission notice to stakeholders on Brexit and EU rules in the field of chemicals under REACH

European Commission adopts “readiness” Communication July 2020

Easy to follow flowcharts outlining REACH, CLP and Detergents Regulations duties for Irish companies who will source chemicals from the UK from 2021 onwards

Flowchart of obligations under REACH and CLP Regulations for an Irish formulator of mixtures sourcing chemical substances from UK (Great Britain) after 1st Jan 2021

Flowchart of obligations under REACH, CLP & Detergents Regulations for an Irish distributor sourcing chemical products from UK (Great Britain) after 1st Jan 2021

Flowchart of obligations under REACH and CLP Regulations for an Irish end user of a chemical product sourced in the UK (Great Britain) after 1st Jan 2021

Flowchart of obligations for an Irish end user of a chemical product sourced in Northern Ireland after 1st Jan 2021

Contact us

Companies with particular concerns or questions as to the effect of the UK withdrawal from the EU on their business should contact us at 0818 289 389 (Monday to Friday 9.00 to 3.00) or by emailing