ECHA's new 'Chemicals in our life' website informs consumers about chemicals
ECHA has launched a new dedicated website to make consumers more aware of the benefits and risks of chemicals in their everyday lives.
Are the chemicals used in tattoos safe? Will I get an allergic reaction if I dye my hair? Many consumers in Europe are concerned about the possible risks posed by chemicals in their lives – a 2016 Eurobarometer study of almost 28 000 people in 28 countries showed that 65 % of respondents were concerned about being exposed to hazardous chemicals. To specifically address consumers with information on chemicals, ECHA launched the Chemicals in our life website. The website, available in 23 EU languages, provides useful information on the benefits and risks of using chemicals and explains how the EU legislation on chemicals protects us. The website has a Trending section for topical news and is connected to ECHA’s chemicals database – the world’s largest database of its kind. Users can also explore parts of the European Observatory for Nanomaterials. Several articles on nanomaterials related to health, the workplace and consumer products are available. Readers can navigate through a 360-degree interactive apartment, which shows where and why nanomaterials are used in our lives.
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