hsalearning.ie Courses for Construction
is the Health and Safety Authority's portal for health and safety courses on-line. The courses are free of charge and accessible 24/7. Specific courses have been developed to allow users to learn new skills and help prevent accidents and injury, by taking a short on-line course. Browse our courses and find one that suits you whether you're in education or work. It's simple. Just register, take the course whenever you wish and then download your certificate of completion when finished.
If you're a employer, manager, health and safety professional or are involved in education, you can also register a group to take a course using the HSA Group Manager facility.
Continuous Professional Development 
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points are available from Construction Industry Registry Ireland (CIRI) for some of the courses. One hour of learning will contribute to one CIRI CPD point. Any construction company wishing to avail of the CIRI CPD points must record them as learning outcomes on their own training matrix which then needs to be presented annually to CIRI at the point of renewal.
Learning Outcomes
Courses can be completed in under 30 minutes and have been designed with learning objectives which are clearly laid out for the user so that learning outcomes can be achieved.
Available Courses
An Introduction to Construction Safety (for small contractors and the self-employed)
This course is designed for construction contractors, in particular small contractors and the self-employed. It is also suitable for employers and employees working in the construction sector, key duty holders, or those employing small contractors to carry out work. The course was developed with the support of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF).
Asbestos Safety for Tradespeople
This course is designed for tradespeople who, during the course of their work, could potentially or unknowingly disturb asbestos containing materials (ACMs) causing asbestos fibres to be released into the air. Completion of this course does not in any way enable you to work with asbestos containing materials (ACMs).
Construction Safety Videos
These following 2-minute construction video animations explain the role of key duty holders under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations, and provide information on the safety and health plan.
- Contractor Duties
- The Client
- Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS)
- Project Supervisor Design Phase (PSDP)
- The Safety and Health Plan
Safer Steps and Stairs
This course is suitable for employers, self-employed persons, employees, designers, and students learning about building and design.
For further information on hsalearning.ie online courses contact elearning@hsa.ie