Reporting Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

Accidents and dangerous occurrences in relation to diving are reportable under Part 14 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 to 2016 (commonly known as the Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations) .
The term dangerous occurrence is defined in Section 2 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and dangerous occurrences are as prescribed in Schedule 15 of the Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations.
Examples of Dangerous Occurrences
Examples of dangerous occurrences relating to diving that require reporting are:
- Breathing Apparatus: The malfunction of breathing apparatus which deprives the diver of oxygen;
- Lifting Machinery: The collapse of, the overturning of, or the failure of any load bearing part of any lifting equipment e.g. the failure or malfunction of any lifting equipment associated with the diving project which puts a diver at risk;
- Explosion or Fire: An unintentional explosion occurring in any plant or place of work e.g. a fire or explosion involving gas cylinders;
- Explosives: Any unintentional ignition or explosion of explosives e.g. unintentional explosion in the vicinity of a diver;
- Pipelines: The bursting, explosion or collapse of a pipeline or part of a pipeline.
Accidents and dangerous occurrences can be reported using the online reporting system.