Maritime Legislation

Other legislation generally enforceable by the Department of Transport (IMA) includes the following:
Fishing Vessel (Personal Flotation Devices) Regulations 2001 as amended
The regulation requires all crew members of fishing vessels to wear a suitable personal flotation device while on the open deck of a vessel.
Fishing Vessel (Basic Safety Training) Regulations 2001
The regulations require every crew member of a fishing vessel to undertake basic safety training consisting of:
- Personal survival techniques, including man overboard
- Elementary first aid
- Fire prevention, health and safety training
This training must be received before going to sea for the first time on a fishing boat.
European Union (Minimum Safety and Health Requirements for Improved Medical Treatment on Board Vessels) Regulations 2021
These Regulations provide for the owner of a vessel to ensure they have sufficient medical supplies and equipment on board the vessel relevant to the category of vessel as set out in the Schedule of the Regulations. They also require the carriage of an up to-date medical guide relevant to the supplies on board and minimum requirements for lifeboats and life-rafts. There is also a requirement to provide a sick bay, antidotes when carrying dangerous substances and details on training requirements.
As legislation is always under regular review, the status of legislation should be checked on