Top Ten Tips

- Never wear rings or watches on deck.
- Never stand in the line of ropes under tension.
- Never wrap ropes around your hand.
- Never stand below derricks / cranes carrying loads.
- Use light reflectors on external clothing.
- Practice deck routines with new crew members.
- Practice new routines for all gear changeovers.
- Avoid running turns on winch drums.
- Practice safety drills.
- Wear Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment including your Personal Flotation Device (PFD).*
Legal Requirement to Wear a PFD
* The law requires that personal flotation devices are worn when on the deck of the vessel, or, in the case of an open undecked vessels on board the vessel, whether at sea, in harbour or coming to and from moorings. See the Fishing Vessel (Personal Flotation Devices) Regulations 2001 (S.I. No. 586 of 2001 as amended by S.I. No. 401 of 2018).