Transportation and Storage Sector [NACE H]
Incidents involving vehicles cause the greatest number of work related deaths in Ireland.
Because vehicles are widely used both on the roads and in the workplace, people often overlook the fact that vehicle activities can be dangerous and must be safely managed. The Authority has developed a five year plan aimed at reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured as a result of vehicle incidents.
In order to effectively manage vehicle risks, the risks related to the following three elements must be controlled:
- The Vehicle
- The Driver
- The Workplace / The Journey
This may involve collaboration with other employers where a shared place of work is involved or your employers visit other people's premises in the course of their work.
Injury DataThe Transportation and Storage Sector has the highest worker fatality rate each year.
The main causes of fatalities in this sector are: - Loss of control of a vehicle or other transport equipment
- Fall from a height
- Fall, collapse or breakage of material
Drivers, mobile plant operators, heavy truck and lorry drivers are the main occupations killed.
Approximately 1000 non-fatal injuries are reported annually to the Authority. The most common non-fatal incident triggers are manual handling and slips, trips and falls. Further statistical information on this sector is available in the following Statistics Dashboards: Injury Trends in the Transport and Storage Sector 2008 to 2012 | 