Webinar Recordings


The HSA run a number of webinars and events online. For details on a particular event, click on any of the links below.

Mastering Psychosocial Risk Assessment with Work Positive Webinar

March 11th, 11:30am

Anything in the design or management of work that increases the risk of work-related stress can be understood as a psychosocial hazard. (International Labour Organization, 2022).

Join our webinar with expert speakers to explore the pivotal role of psychosocial risk assessment in fostering a safer and more productive work environment. Work Positive CI is a free, confidential, and easy-to-use psychosocial risk management tool. It provides feedback on workplace stress, employee wellbeing, and critical incident exposure, offering structured guidance and action plans. This helps organisations identify risks and opportunities, comply with health and safety legislation, and improve employee engagement and performance. 

Why attend?

  • Learn about Work Positive CI - www.workpositive.ie
  • Obtain actionable strategies for assessing and managing psychosocial risks
  • Enhance your organisations’ compliance with health and safety legislation
  • Create a supportive and resilient workplace environment that promotes employee engagement and occupational health

Who is this webinar for?

  • HR professionals
  • OSH & EHS professionals
  • People Managers
  • Team Leaders

For more information and to view the agenda, download the flyer below.

Watch the recording

The videos played during Dr Robert Kerr's presentation are available to view at the links below: 

New CLP Hazard Classes Webinar 2025

March 6th, 11am

The EU Classification, Packaging and Labelling Regulation (CLP) now includes new hazard classes for: endocrine disruption (ED) for human health and the environment, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vP/vB) and persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) or very persistent, very mobile (vP/vM).

The updated Regulation entered into force in April 2023, and while a transitional period applies, companies with obligations to classify and label chemicals they place on the market need to be aware of these new hazard classes and be prepared to start applying them, where they are relevant.

The aim of this webinar is to inform duty holders of the new hazard classes and will be delivered by experts from the Chemicals and Industrial Products division of the HSA.

Why attend?

This webinar will:

  • Inform you of the new CLP hazard classes for EDs, PBTs and PMTs
  • Outline the transitional arrangements and when they will apply
  • Give you insights into the criteria for the new hazard classes
  • Highlight key guidance that is available to assist you in applying the criteria
  • Allow you to pose questions to our experts

Who should attend?

  • Companies who place chemicals on the EU market, including importers, manufacturers and formulators
  • Consultants
  • Regulators

Watch the recording

Presentations are available to view below. Please note these are owned by the Health and Safety Authority and may not be used by outside parties without explicit permission from the Authority.

Driving for Work Webinar 2024

The Road Safety Authority, Health and Safety Authority and An Garda Síochána hosted an online webinar on Thursday 14th November 2024. The objective of this webinar is to inform and educate employers about how to implement safe driving for work practices.

Watch the recording here

HSA Webinar: Influencing Safety Culture

A positive safety culture is the result of collaborative workplace efforts to create an environment where health and safety is prioritised. It happens where systems, structures and people’s actions act together to integrate safe methods into operational decisions at all organisational levels.

This involves proactive approaches such as information sharing and learning opportunities taken in a timely way as well as reactive systems, such as regular system appraisals, proper investigations and general behavioural awareness.

The aim of this webinar is to clarify and heighten understanding of this important area, using simple definitions, real-life examples and highlighting actionable areas to improve safety culture. Informed by experts from areas including Human Factors and Organisational Psychology at HSA.

What is covered in this webinar?

This introductory level webinar, relevant to all sectors, will:

  • help you understand safety culture in simple terms,
  • give you insights into the role of safety culture in workplace accidents,
  • highlight key influences on safety culture, and
  • share research findings on workable solutions

Who should watch this webinar?

  • Employers and duty-holders
  • HR and People Managers
  • Operations managers
  • Production managers
  • Safety representatives
  • OSH researchers and consultants

Watch the recording here

Presentations are available to view below. Please note these are owned by the Health and Safety Authority and may not be used by outside parties without explicit permission from the Authority.

Find Safety Culture Resources and Information Here

Ergonomics in the Irish Workplace: Risk Assessment to Manage Risk Exposure

Why watch?

Viewers will be given an overview of current HSA Ergonomic Risk management strategies and interventions and they will be given an overview of the HSA online course “Introduction to Ergonomics Risk Assessment” which advocates a systematics step by step methodology to assess ergonomic risk using evidence based risk assessment tools.

The webinar will include case studies demonstrating the application of practical approaches to risk assessment and problem solving through worker consultation and will detail the tangible benefits arising from the interventions by way of reduced risk of musculoskeletal injury or ill health, improved human performance and productivity.

Who should watch?

  • The workshop will be of a particular interest to:
  • Health and Safety Professionals
  • Production and Operations Managers
  • Safety Representatives
  • Occupational Health Professionals
  • Production or Manufacturing Engineers
  • Others that have an interest in the science and management of work

Useful Ergonomic Resources on the HSA Website

Presentations are available to view below. Please note these are owned by the Health and Safety Authority and may not be used by outside parties without explicit permission from the Authority.

The Occupational Health Division of the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) presents this webinar to help you foster, develop and sustain a psychologically safe work environment and improve the organisational climate so that employees feel enabled, supported and motivated to better do their jobs in a healthy and safe way.

Speakers from the HSA and ESB share knowledge and insights from recent research as well as from case examples, to highlight ways for everyone to add to a workplace culture where growth is
encouraged and learning and improvement feed directly into better systems of work.

Guest Speaker Jennifer Grogan Senior Safety Culture & Leadership Partner at ESB shares ESB’s safety culture programme and specifically the leadership practices which foster psychological safety in teams and support a healthy, safe and inclusive workplace along with many other positive outcomes.

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar will benefit many types of profiles and backgrounds including: 

  • Supervisors/Managers 
  • Human Resource and People Managers 
  • Health & Safety Managers 
  • Safety Representatives 
  • Occupational Health Professionals 
  • Anyone with an interest in workplace behavioural change

What will you gain from this webinar?

  • Insights into what is psychological safety 
  • What are its benefits 
  • How to help foster it – leadership role 
  • Differences between psychological safety and general safety 
  • How to sustain a culture of psychological safety 
  • Key insights to help you start to identify mechanisms for psychological safety

Watch the Recording:

Presentations are available to view below. Please note these are owned by the Health and Safety Authority and may not be used by outside parties without explicit permission from the Authority.

Webinar on Reducing Interpersonal Conflict at Work

The Occupational Health Division of the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) invites you to this free webinar to help you reduce and better manage interpersonal conflict at work thereby creating a healthy and safe environment for all staff. Speakers from the HSA will share information and guidance to help you identify conflict and implement strategies to better manage it. Guest speaker Dr Paolo Yaranon from the University of Limerick will present his doctoral research on the causes and consequences of negative workplace behaviour.

Who should attend?

This free webinar will benefit many types of profiles and backgrounds including:

  • Supervisors/Managers
  • Human Resource and People Managers
  • Health & Safety Managers
  • Safety Representatives
  • Occupational Health Professionals
  • Anyone with an interest in workplace behavioural change

Watch the recording:

Presentations available below:

These slides are owned by the Health and Safety Authority and are not permitted for use outside of the Health and Safety Authority.

Webinar on Practical Ergonomic Risk Assessment in Construction November 23rd 2023

The Health and Safety Authority in conjunction with the Construction Industry Federation and the Irish Human Factors and Ergonomics Society hosted this webinar on practical ergonomics risk assessment tools tailored for those working in construction.

Ergonomics aims to design tasks so that people can perform their work within their capabilities, protecting their musculoskeletal health while enabling them to work more efficiently.

Attendees gained an insight to practical risk assessment tools to quantify ergonomic risks. They also gained an understanding of the importance of controlling risk through the introduction of innovative engineering solutions or by changing the way work is planned and organised. The webinar includes case studies demonstrating the application of practical approaches to risk assessment and problem solving through worker consultation. The case studies also detail the tangible benefits arising from the interventions by way of reduced risk of musculoskeletal injury or ill health, improved human performance and productivity.

Who is the webinar for?

The workshop will be of a particular interest to:

  • Health and Safety Professionals
  • Project Supervisors for the Design Process
  • Project Supervisors for the Construction stage
  • Designers for Construction Projects
  • Contractors
  • Safety Representatives
  • Occupational Health Professionals
  • Others that have an interest in the science and management of work

Webinar Topics and Speakers

Managing Ergonomic Risk Exposure: H.S.A. Strategy and Intervention

Frank Power – Senior Ergonomist (Inspector), Health and Safety Authority

Introduction to the Ergonomic Risk Assessment Tool

Ita Leyden (Leyden Consulting & Engineering)

Practical use of the Rapp Tool and Art Tool 

Ita Leyden (Leyden Consulting Engineering)

Before Watching

Please make use of the below documents and resources before attending this webinar: 

Ergonomics and Psychosocial Webinar

Key elements for managing Ergonomic and Psychosocial Risk at workplace level

Watch the recording of our Ergonomics and Psychosocial Webinar below.

The webinar will be of a particular interest to:

  • Health and Safety Professionals
  • Production and Operations Managers
  • Safety Representatives
  • Ergonomists
  • Occupational Health Professionals
  • Production or Manufacturing Engineers
  • Others that have an interest in the science and management of work
  • HR professionals, EAPs
  • Organisational Psychologists

Download the presentation used in the webinar is below:

Webinar hosted by the COMAH unit of the Health and Safety Authority in 2022.

Webinar hosted by the COMAH unit of the Health and Safety Authority in 2022.

Ergonomics Webinar - EU-OSHA Lighten the Load Campaign '21

The event included some very interesting ergonomic case studies of good practice, which highlight innovation, problem solving and team working skills applied in an Irish workplace setting to target the management of ergonomic risks and the prevention of musculoskleletal disorders.

The webinar also included a presentation on planning for working from home, an emerging way of working at the time which needs to take account of potential musculoskeletal health risks.

IAF Informative and Mandatory Documents

This webinar gave a brief overview of IAF informative and mandatory documents. 

Informative Documents (ID Series)

IAF Informative Documents reflect the consensus of IAF Members on specific subjects and are intended to support the consistent application of requirements. IAF Members and their accredited bodies are not obliged to use or comply with these documents. 

Mandatory Documents (MD Series)

IAF Mandatory Documents are required to be used by accreditation bodies when accrediting certification or validation/verification bodies, to assure that they operate their programs in a consistent and equivalent manner. 


James Stapleton (INAB assessment manager)

Oct 15, 2021 10.00am

Practical Ergonomic Risk Assessment in Construction

This Webinar was held on October 20th 2021.

The following files were downloaded by participants of all the Ergonomics Workshops, to accompany some of the exercises:

The video clips used by Ita Leyden during her MAC Tool exercise are available at:

Clip 1: https://youtu.be/0ucI49K9U9c 
Clip 2: https://youtu.be/btHXKePHLbw 

Practical Ergonomic Risk Assessment in Manufacturing

This Webinar was held on October 14th 2021.

The following files were downloaded by participants of all the Ergonomics Workshops, to accompany some of the exercises:

MAC Tool: https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg383.pdf
Managing Ergonomic Risk in the Workplace: https://www.hsa.ie/!Q4G9XO

The video clips used by Ita Leyden during her MAC Tool exercise are available at:

Clip 1: https://youtu.be/0ucI49K9U9c
Clip 2: https://youtu.be/btHXKePHLbw

Practical Ergonomic Risk Assessment in the Health Sector

This Webinar was held on November 3rd 2021.

The following files were downloaded by participants of all the Ergonomics Workshops, to accompany some of the exercises:

The video clips used by Ita Leyden during her MAC Tool exercise are available at:

Clip 1: https://youtu.be/0ucI49K9U9c 
Clip 2: https://youtu.be/btHXKePHLbw 

ISO/IEC 17020 and application of P 15

  • Speaker: Sinead Guckian (INAB assessment manager)
  • Jun 11, 2021  11:00 am

The webinar gave an outline of changes to ILAC P15. This document provides information for use by both accreditation bodies and inspection bodies on the application of ISO/IEC 17020.

This most recent revision of ILAC P15 includes updates as a result of clarification requests and the experience gained in the application of the previous version of ILAC P15 and ISO/IEC 17020:2012. It also includes guidance on the use of emerging technologies (e.g. drones, artificial intelligence) in inspection which are not addressed in ISO/IEC 17020:2012.

Working from Home: Managing Ergonomic and Psychosocial Hazards

This webinar was presented by HSA inspectors Patricia Murray (Senior Psychologist) & Frank Power Senior Ergonomist.

Accreditation according to ISO 20387

Biotechnology - Biobanking - General Requirements for Biobanking


The ISO 20387:2018 standard “Biotechnology – General requirements for biobanking” specifies general requirements for the competence, impartiality and consistent operation of biobanks, including quality control requirements to ensure biological material and data collections are produced and maintained appropriately. 

This standard is applicable to all organisations performing biobanking, including biobanking of biological material from multicellular organisms (e.g. human, animal, fungus and plant) and microorganisms for research and development. It does not apply to biological material intended for food/feed production, laboratories undertaking analysis for food/feed production, and/or therapeutic use.

Relevant EU / Irish legislation will also be applicable for any biobanks applying for accreditation.

INAB has just begun to offer accreditation in this area and will open the scheme for applicants from 1st April 2021.

INAB Biobanking Webinar

INAB hosted this information webinar for potential clients and stakeholders in the area of Biobanking on Friday 23rd April 10am to 12noon.


Notifying hazardous mixtures to the National Poisons Information Centre

Ergonomics Webinar Series October 2020

This Webinar was held jointly with the Construction Industry Federation on October 15th 2020.

The following files were downloaded by participants of all the Ergonomics Workshops, to accompany some of the exercises:

The video clips used during the MAC Tool exercise are available here:

Practical Ergonomic Risk Assessment in Construction

Brexit Webinar Series October 2020

During the month of October 2020, we undertook 5 webinars in the areas of Brexit-preparedness around accreditation, supply of industrial products, transportable pressure equipment, and chemicals.

Opening Address from Mr. Damien English TD

Brexit - Implications for Accreditation

Brexit – Implications for Industrial Products

Brexit - Implications for Transportable Pressure Equipment

Brexit - What you need to do if you source chemical products from the UK

Part 1

Part 2