HSA Events Booking supported by EventBrite |  |
EventBrite is an event management and ticketing website. It allows the HSA to offer online ticketing services for our events, as well as management of our attendance lists.
What personal data do we gather?
When a person books a place at a HSA event using EventBrite, they are prompted for the following information:
- First Name
- Surname
- Email Address
- Employer/Business name
All fields are mandatory.
How do we use this data?
We use this data primarily so we can issue the regsitered attendee with their ticket. Their name is also used in all correspondence with the individual, such as confirming or cancelling a booking. At each event, we produce a number of attendance sheets that contain the name and employer of the attendee. Attendees are crossed off the attendance sheet as they present themselves, so the event organisers can monitor the attendance.
Who do we share this data with?
This information is used purely for the purposes described above. We do not share this information with any third parties.
How long do we hold this data?
The data is held for up to one month after an event has concluded. This is so the organisers of an event can assess what employment sectors were attracted to the event and follow up with attendees on any matters that might arise at the event (for example to email presentation slides). This can help with the organisation and marketing of future events by the HSA. Once the month has passed, all attendee records are deleted.
Individuals have the option to cancel their attendance in the run up to an event. This can be done automatically using a link in their booking confirmation email, or by contacting the event organisers directly. Once a place is cancelled, the record of the individual (including their personal data) is deleted.
How do we ensure your privacy is maintained?
A comprehensive account of how the GDPR regulation is affecting how EventBrite operate is available here.
The full text of EventBrite's privacy policy is available here.