ECHA is calling for co-opted members in RAC and SEAC
The Agency expects a peak workload on evaluating applications for authorisation from late 2015 through to 2016. It is therefore opening a call for co-opted members for the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) and the Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) as a temporary measure. Applicants should express their interest on ECHA’s website by 4 June 2015.
The focus of the search is on senior experts in occupational hygiene and chemical exposure assessment (RAC) as well as experts in socio-economic analysis (SEAC). The co-opted members would be tasked with working on authorisation applications immediately after their appointment.
RAC and SEAC aim to have a broad range of relevant expertise among their members. In addition to the members nominated by Member States, RAC and SEAC may co-opt a maximum of five additional members chosen on the basis of their specific competence. Successful candidates will be appointed by RAC and SEAC in their personal capacity for a three-year term.